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  • Links und Literatur: Straßenkinder in Asien

Literatur zu Straßenkinder in Asien

Bibliografie, zusammengestellt von Maren Basfeld, nach:
Antonella Invernizzi (2001) Hrsg: Straßenkinder in Afrika, Asien und Osteuropa. Eine
kommentierte Bibliografie

A. Allgemeine Bibliografie

Adick, C. (Ed.) (1998). "Straßenkinder und Kinderarbeit. Sozialisationstheoretische,
historische und kulturvergleichende Studien.” Frankfurt, IKO Verlag, 303 pp.
(allemand) [3-88939-236-9] [PR en attente]
Adick, C. "Straßenkinder in Entwicklungs- und Industrieländern: Definitionen,
Erklärungskonzepte und pädagogische Maßnahmen im Vergleich”.
Herzig, A. "Die ersten Kinderarbeitsschutzgesetze in Preußen: Ursachen und Folgen”
Mayer, C. "Kinderarbeit und pädagogische Reform an der Wende vom 18. zum 19.
Weitz, S.C. "'Besprisornye' - Straßenkinder in der frühen Sowjetunion”.
Zinnercker, J "Straßensozalisation: Ein Kapitel der Geschichte von Kinderheit und
Grosse-Oetringhaus, H.-M. "Kinderarbeit in Indien zwischen Weltmarkt-bedingungen
und sozialpolitischen Interventionsmaßnahmen”.
Herrmanny, C. "Straßenkinder brauchen Spenden - Wie international operierende
Hilfswerke in Deustschland über 'Straßenkinder' informieren”.
Holm, K. "Straßenkinder und arbeitende Kinder in Lateinamerika: Ursachen und
sozialpädagogische Konzepte”.
Jogschies, P. "Die Lebenswelt von Straßenkindern in Deuschland – Über-legungen
und Erkenntnisse im Verlauf eines Forschungsprojektes”.
Krusch, C. / Friesen, J. "Straßenkinder in Russland: Menetekel postsowjetischer
Kunz, S. "Die Müllkinder von Smokey Mountain in Manila: Traditionnelle Sozialisation
im Wertewandel”.
Liebel, M. "Kinderrechte und soziale Bewegungen arbeitender Kinder in
Wiegelmann, U. / Naumann, C. et. al. "Zwischen Ausbildung und Ausbeutung: Die
talibés mendiants im Senegal”.
Ennew, J./Gopal K./Heeran J./Montgomery H. (1996). "Children and Prostitution.
How can We Measure and Monitor the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children?
Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography.” Stockholm, UNICEF New
York/Centre for Family Research, Cambridge/Childwatch International, 26-31 august
1996. [http:/]
Ennew, J. (1996d). "The Child Business: Comments on the Management of
International Policies for Children.” Journal of International Development 8(6), pp.
849-458. (anglais) [FR]
Ennew, J. (1998). "Working with street children: From conventional responses to
responses from the Convention on the rights of the Child”. Lausanne, Background
paper for Inter-NHo Symposium, Children in a street situation: Considerations on
Complexity and intervention, 31 pp. (anglais) [FR]
Epstein, I. (1996). "Educating Street Children: some cross-cultural perspectives.”
Comparative Education 32(3), pp. 289-302. (anglais) [PR]


Fortier, J. / Roy S. (1996). "Les jeunes de la rue et l'intervention: quelques repères


théoriques.” Cahiers de recherche sociologique (27): pp. 127-152. (français) [FR]



Glauser, B. (1990). Street Children: Deconstructing a Construct. Constructing and


Reconstructing Childhood. James A./Prout A. London, Falmer Press, pp. 138-155.




[1-85000-750-0] [FR]



Holm, K./Dewes J. (Ed.) (1996). "Neue Methoden der Arbeit mit Armen: Am Beispiel


Strassenkinder und arbeitende Kinder”. Frankfurt, IKO, 191 pp. (allemand) [3-88939-


082-X] [PR]


Human Rights Watch and Children Rights Projects (1996). Report 1998, [1-56432-


205-x] (anglais)


Hutson, S./Liddiard M. (1994). "Youth Homelessness - The construction of a social


issue”. London, Macmillan, 215 pp. (anglais) [0-333-55056-0] [FR 1248]


Hutz, C. S./Koller S. H. (1999). "Methodological and Ethical Issues in Research with


Street Children.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development "Homeless


and Working Youth Around the World: Exploring Developmental Issues” M.


Raffaelli/Larson R. W. (Ed.) (85), pp. 59-70. (anglais) [PR]



JEUDA (1990). "Enfants en situation difficile: quelques axes de réflexion”. Dakar,


ENDA/JEUDA, N. 77, 20 pp. (français/portugais) [en suspens]


Johnson, V./Ivan-Smith E. et al. (1998). "Stepping Forward: Children and young


people's participation in the development process”. London, Intermediate Technology


Publ., 332 pp. (anglais) [1 85339 448 3] [PR]



Kefyalew, F. (1996). "The Reality of Child Participation in Research.” Childhood -


Special Issue on working and street children 3(2, May), pp. 203-213. (anglais) [FR-





Lowry, C. (1997). "Street Children in the Developing World”, Political and Social


Policies Division (YHR) Canadian International development Agency (CIDA).


November 1997, 12 pp. plus annexes. (anglais) [PR]


Le Roux, J. (1996). "The worldwide Phenomenon of street Children: Conceptual


Analysis.” Adolescence 31 (124), pp. 965-971. (anglais) [PR]


Lucchini R. (1993a). "Enfant de la Rue - Identité, sociabilité, drogue”. Paris/Genève,


Droz, 248 pp. (espagnol, français, anglais (extraits)) [FR]


Lucchini R. (1994b). "Déviance et enfants de la rue en Amérique Latine: les limites


d'une approche fonctionnaliste”. De la non-intégration: essai de définition théorique


d'un problème social contemporain. M.-H. Soulet. Fribourg, Editions Universitaires,


pp. 137-149. (français) [FR]


Lucchini R. (1996a). "Femme et déviance ou le débat sur la spécificité de la


délinquance féminine”, Working Paper N. 264, Séminaire de Sociologie, FSES,


Université de Fribourg, 40 pp. (français) [FR]


Lucchini, R. (1996b). "Theory, methods and Triangulation in the Study of Street


Children.” Childhood - Special Issue on working and street children 3 (2, May), pp.


167-170. (anglais) [FR]


Lucchini, R. (1996c). "The Street Children and Its Image.” Childhood - Special Issue


on working and street children 3(2, May), pp. 235-246. (anglais) [FR]


Lucchini, R. (1996d). "Sociologie de la survie: l'enfant dans la rue”. Paris, PUF, 323


pp. (français) [2 13 047 435 7] [FR]


Lucchini, R. (1997). "Between running away and eviction: the child leaving for the


street/Entre fugue et expulsion: le départ de l'enfant dans la rue”. Fribourg, Université


de Fribourg, Département de sociologie et des Médias, Working Paper N. 287, 25




Lucchini, R. (1998). "L'enfant de la rue: réalité complexe et discours réducteurs.”


Déviance et société 22 (4), pp. 347-366 (français) [FR]


Lucchini, R. (1999). "L'enfant de la rue: carrière, identité et sortie de la rue”. Working


Paper N. 325. Fribourg, Université de Fribourg, Département de sociologie et des


Médias, 26 pp. (français) [FR]


Luna, G.C./Rotherams-Borus, M.J. (1992). "Street Youth and the Aids Pandemic.”


AIDS Education and Prevention 1(13), pp. 1-13. (anglais) [PR]


Lusk, M. W. (1989). "Street Children Programs in Latin America.” Journal of


sociology and social welfare N° 16 (March) pp. 55-7 7. (anglais) [FR 2358]



Mermet, J. (1995). "Bibliography on street children”. Geneva, Henry Dunant Institute,


139 pp. [2-88044-036-x] [PR]



Nyberg, J. (1997). "Rädda Barnen's Work with Children on the Streeet/Homeless


Children”. Stockholm, Rädda Barnen, 15pp. (anglais) [PR]



OMS, Programme on Substance Abuse. Divers documents.


"A one-way street? Report on phase I of the street children project", WHO/PSA/93.7,


Geneva, 1993.



"Training for Street Educators Package. Evaluation Questionnaire",


WHO/PSA/95.12.1, Geneva, 1995 (88pp.)



"Street children, Substance Use and Health: Monitoring and Evaluation of street


children projects, Draft for field testing", WHO/PSA/95/13, Genève, 1995 (140 pp.)


"A two-way street? Report on Phase II of the PSA Street Children Project",


WHO/MSA/PSA/96.14, Geneva 1996, (102pp).



"Who Planning Meeting for the Implementation of Phase III of Who Street Children


Project", 27-31 January 1997, Geneva, 1997 (32 pp.)


"Substance use among street children and other children and youth in especially


difficult circumstances", Fact Sheet N. 151, March 1997, Geneva, 1997 (5pp.).


Pangaea (1999) "Street Children's - Community Children's Public Resource Library”,





Parazelli, M. (1996). "Les Pratiques de socialisation marginalisée des jeunes de la


rue dans l'espace urbain montréalais.” Cahiers de recherche sociologique, N. 27, pp.


47-62. [FR]


Paul, D. (1995). "Child Labour in context”. Melbourne, Research and Policy Unit,


World Vision Australia, 39 pp. (anglais) [1875140239] [BIT]


Rädda Barnen Sweden (1998?). "Children-at- Risk - Prevention of Exclusion”.


Focusing on socially and economically vulnerable children in hazardous work and/or


living and being on the street, 15 pp. (anglais) [PR]



Raffaelli, M./Larson, R. W. (1999). "Editors' Note.” New Directions for Child and


Adolescent Development "Homeless and Working Youth Around the World: Exploring


Developmental Issues" M. Raffaelli R.W. Larson (Ed.) (85), pp. 1-4. (Anglais) [PR]


Richter, L.M. (1990). South African "Street Children": Comparisons with Anglo-


American Runaways. Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology. N.


Bleichrodt/P. J. D. Drenth. Amsterdam/Lisse, Sweet & Zeitlinger, pp. 96-109.


(anglais) [FR - 1249]


Rizzini, I. (1996). "Street Children: An Excluded Generation in Latin America.”


Childhood 3 (2), pp. 215-233. (anglais) [FR 3001]


Schrader, A./Veale, A. (Eds.) (1999). "Resource Pack: Prevention of street


Migration”. London, Consortium for Street Children/University College of Cork, 78 pp.


(anglais) [PR]



Specht, E. W. (Ed.) (1991). "Strassenfieber”, Stuttgart, Beiträge sozialer Arbeit der


Diakonie, Band 4, Diakonisches Werk der EKD.[3-9231110-74-x] [PR]


W. Specht, Einleitung und Jugend auf der Strasse und Mobile Jugendarbeit [général]



H. Thiersch, Position und Bedeutung von Jugend in der Gesellschaft [général]


I.Rizzini/T. G. Sanders, Kinder der Strasse in Brasilien [Brésil]


O. Rivero, Jugendliche von Surquillo [Pérou]


V. Bamurange Kainamula, Berufliche Qualifikationen und verantwortliche


Elternschaft [Tanzanie]


W. Kairi, Hilfe zur Selbständigkeit [Kenya]


Yu wiming zhu Chuanyi, Gemeinwesenarbeit mit gefährdeten Jugendlichen in China




E. Nikoljewna Jermoschina, Kinder der Perestrojka. Schulpädagogische


Orientierungshilfen für verhaltenausfällige Schüler in Gorrkij [Russie]


M.W. Klein, Bekämpfung von Jugendbanden in den USA [Etats-Unis]


I.A. Spergel, Jugendbanden: Eine Funktion sozialer Desintegration und Armut


J. Blackmore, Nachsorgeprogramm für strafentlassene Jugendliche


T. Able-Peterson, Street Work in New York [Etats-Unis]


Thomas Möbius, Street Work in der Hamburger Szene männlicher Prostitution




Klaus Hinze, Jugendarbeit einer Kirchengemeinde in der ehemaligen DDR




Ruedi Rüegsegger, Jugendbanden und Mobile Jugendarbeit in Luzern [Suisse]


H. Becker, M. May, Selbstorganisation deklassierter Jugendlicher [Allemagne]


J. L. Hazekamp, Ausländische Jugendliche in den Niederlanden [Hollande]


H- Wagenleiter, Mobile Sozialarbeit in Alaska [Etats-Unis]


Friedhelm Buckert, Gemeindenahe Jugendhilfe [Allemagne]


Stöcklin, D. (1998-2000). "Recherche-action auprès des enfants de la rue”, Terre des


Hommes, documents non-publiés, (Français)


Szanton Blanc, C. (Ed.) (1994). "Urban Children in Distress - Global Predicaments


and Innovative Strategies”. Florence, UNICEF - Gordon and Breach, 481 pp.


(anglais) [2-88124-623-0] [FR- 1230, PR]


Tessier, S. (Ed) (1994). "L'enfant et son intégration dans la cité”. Paris, Syros, 183


pp. (français) [FR, PR]


Tessier, S. (Ed). (1998). "A la recherche des enfants des rues”. Paris, Karthala; 477


pp. (français) [PR, FR-1500] *


Tolfree, D. (1995). "Roofs and Roots: the care of separated children in the


developing world”. Hants, Save the Children/Arena, 251 pp. (anglais) [1 85742 277 5]


[PR] *


Tyler, F.B./Tyler S.L. et al. (1992). "Huckleberry Finn and Street Youth Everywhere:


An approach to Primary Prevention” Improving Children's Lives: Global Perspectives


on Prevention. G. W. Albee/Bond L.A. et al., London, Sage, pp. 200-212. (anglais)





UNESCO (1995). "Working with street children”: selected case-studies from Africa,


Asia and Latin America (édition française: Dans la rue, avec les enfants -


Programmes pour la réinsertion des enfants de la rue). Paris, UNESCO /ICCB, 303


pp. (français ou anglais) [9231030965 (anglais) 9232030969 (Français)] [PR]


UNICEF (1989). "Directives pour l'application du guide méthodologique pour


l'analyse de situation des enfants vivants dans des conditions particulièrement


difficiles” // Guidelines for the application of the methodological guide on situation


analysis of children in especially difficult circumstances, UNICEF, Bogotà (anglais/


français/ espagnol) [FR- 1193]


UNICEF (1998). "Implementation handbook for the convention on the rights of the


child”. New York, Geneva, UNICEF; 681 pp. (anglais) [FR 1495]



Van der Ploeg, J./Scholte, E. (1997). "Homeless Youth”. London /Thousand


Oaks/New Delhi, Sage, 157 pp. (anglais) [0-8039-7806-5] [FR 1505]


Vanistendael S. (1992). "Les enfants de la rue: Problèmes ou personnes?” Genève,


Les cahiers du BICE, 23 pp. (français ou anglais) [FR]


Vanistendael, S. (1995). "La résilience ou le réalisme de l'espérance”, Genève, Les


cahiers du BICE, 23 pp. (français ou anglais) [FR]


Veale, A. (1992). "Towards a Conceptualisation of Street-children: the case from


Sudan and Ireland.” Trocaire Development Review, Dublin, pp. 107-121. (anglais)




Veale, A./Taylor, M. (In Press 2000). "Street Kids as abandoned or "abandoning"?”


Anthropological and Historical Perspectives on Child Abandonment. A. Veale and M.


Taylor (Ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (anglais) [internet]


Visano, L. (1990). "The socialization of Street Children: the development and


transformation of identities.” Sociological Studies of Child Development, Vol. 3, pp.


139-161. (anglais) [FR]



Williams, C. (1993). "Who are "Street Children"?” A Hierarchy of Street Use and


Appropriate Responses.” Child Abuse and Neglect, Vol. 17, pp. 831-841. (anglais)




Woodhead, M. (1998). "Children's Perspectives on Their working Lives”. Stockholm,


Rädda Barnen, 153 pp. (anglais) [91-88726-19-3]


Wright, J./Wittig, M. et al. (1993). "Street Children in North and Latin America:


Preliminary data from Proyectos Alternativos in Tegucigalpa and some comparisons


with the U.S. case.” Studies in Comparative International Development Vol. 28, N° 2


(summer), pp. 81-92. (anglais) [FR-2381]


Ennew, J. (1996b). "Difficult circumstances: some reflections on ‘street children’ in


Africa.” Africa Insight 26 (3), pp. 203-210.


BIT (1996). "Le travail des enfants, l'intolérable en point de mire”. Genève, 129 pp.


(anglais, français, allemand, arabe, chinois, espagnol, russe) [92-2-210328-9]


Boyden, J./Ling, B. /Myers, W. (1998). "What Works for Working Children”.


Stockholm, 364 pp. (anglais) [91-88726-13-4]


(voir également: Meyers, W./Boyden, J. (1998) "Child labour: promoting the


best interest of working children", London, Save The Children, London.


Liebel, M./ Overwien, B./ Recknagel, A. (Ed.) (1998). "Arbeitende Kinder stärken”.


Frankfurt, IKO, 386 pp. (allemand) [3-88939-455-8]


Myers, W.E. (Ed.) (1992). "Protéger les enfants au travail”. Genève, UNICEF.


(français et anglais) [92-806-1017-1] [FR]


Rodgers, G./Standing, G. (Eds.) (1981). "Child Work, Poverty and


Underdevelopment”. Geneva, ILO, 310 pp. (anglais) [FR].


Schibotto, G. (1990). "Niños trabajadores, construyendo una identidad”, MANTHOC.


Lima. (traduction anglaise: (1994) Working Children - Building an Identity,


MANTHOC, Lima; traduction allemande: Schibotto, G. (1993). Unsichtbare Kindheit.


Frankfurt, IKO, 209 pp. (allemand) [3-88939-107-9]


Schlemmer, B. (Ed.) (1996). "L'enfant exploité. Oppression, mise au travail,


prolétarisation”. Paris, Karthala/ORSTOM, 520 pp. (français) [2-86537-686-9] [FR]


(Quelques articles abordent directement le travail de l'enfant de la rue et sont


mentionnés dans les chapitres concernés (J.P. Toto (Congo); M.Verlet (Ghana))


UNICEF (1997). "La situation des enfants dans le monde 1997”. Genève, 115 pp.


(français/ anglais/espagnol)





Agrawal, A. (1998). "Leisure among Street Children” - International Sociological Association (ISA), U Rajasthan, Jaipur India (tel/fax 91-141-517918/621677). [sociological abstract]
Arimpoor, J. (1992). "Street children of Madras. A situational Analysis”. Nodia (India), National Labour Institute, 76 pp. [PR]
Baker, R. (1993). "Street Children: What do we assume?” An inter-disciplinary investigation into the lives of street children in Kathmandu, Dissertation for BA Anthropology, University of Durham. March 1993, 37 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Baker, R./Panter-Brik, C. et al. (1997). "Homeless Street boys in Nepal: their Demography and Lifestyle.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 28 (1), pp. 129-146. (anglais) [PR]
Baker, R. (1998). "Runaway Street Children in Nepal: Social Competence Away from Home”. Children and Social Competence. Hutchby I./Moran-Ellis J., London, Falmer Press, pp. 46-63. (anglais) [FR 1515]
Balagopalan, S. (1997). "Moving Boundaries”: An Ethnographic Study of the literacy Experiences of Street Children in Calcutta, India. PHD Thesis, New York, New York University, 333 pp. [UMI]
Balanon, L. (1989). "Street Children: Strategies for Action.” Child Welfare 98 (2), pp. pp.159-166. (anglais) [sociological abstract]
Binh, V. N. (1994). "Children living/working on the street in Vietnam.” Child Asia (12), pp. 9-10. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Binh, D. V./Men, T. et al. (1995). "Vocational Training for Street Children in Ho Chi Minh City”, Social Work Centre/Vietnam Youth Association/Save the Children Fund UK/The social Development Research and Consultancy Group. April - June 1995. (anglais) [DS]
Black, M. (1991). "Philippines: children of the runaway cities”, Florence, Innocenti studies/UNICEF, 41 pp. (anglais) [PR]
Blanchet, T. (1994). "Child Rights study”. Dhaka, Bangladesh, Rädda Barnen. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Bond, T. W. (1992). "Street children in Hochiminh City/Les enfants des rues a Ho Chi Minh Ville”. Lausanne, Terre des Hommes, 59 pp. (français ou anglais) [PR]
Buist, R. (1999). "Butterflies - Street Children in Sri Lanka”, Leiden University.
Chatterjee, A. (1992). "The forgotten children of the cities”. Florence, UNICEF/Innocenti Studies, 46 pp. (anglais) [88-85401-08-2] [PR]
Chau, L.T.M. (1999). "Understanding the Complexities of Urban Survival Strategies” - A case Study from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Mémoire de maitrise, London, University of London, 45 pp. (anglais) [PR]
Childhope et al. (1989). "Mobilizing Community Action for Street Children” - First Regional Conference/Seminar on Street Children in Asia, 4-13 May 1989, Manila, Childhope, 197 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Childhope (1989). "The street Girls of Metro Manila: Vulnerable Victims of Today's silent Wars”. Manila, 63 pp. (anglais) [PR]
Part II: Projet Penafrancia/Manille

Childhope (1990). "Proceeding of The Regional Consultation Meeting - Advocacy Workshop”; 222 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Childhope (1991). "Children on Jakarta's Streets”. Manila, 113 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Childhope (1995). "Learning from Families on the Edge” - Case Studies on Families of Street Children in South and Southeast Asia, 146 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Childhope Asia/UNICEF Cambodia (1993). "The Life of Street Children in Cambodia: The Situation of Children Without Support in Urbanizing Areas in Cambodia”. Manila, 24 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Childhope Asia (Philippines) (1995). "Life After the streets: ten former street children tell their stories”. Manille, 68 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Crawford, S. (1998). "All work and no play... Children and work in the Republic of Yemen”. Sana'a, Radda Barnen. March 1998, 66 pp.


CWIN (1990). "Lost Childhood - A survey research on Street Children of Kathmandu”. Kathmandu, 18 pp. (anglais) [PR]


D'Lima, H./Gosalia, R. (1992). "Street Children of Bombay”. Noida, National Labour Institute, 110 pp. [PR]


Davis, L. (1994). "Children of the East”. London, Janus Publ., 72 pp. (anglais) [1 8576 171 6] [PR]


Epstein, I. (1993). "Child Labour and Basic Education Provision in China.” International Journal of Education 13(3), pp. 227-238. (anglais) [PR]


Franchet, C. N. (1996). "Programme Note: Realities and Opportunities in Ho Chi Minh City.” Childhood - Special Issue on working and street children 3 (2, May), pp. 261-265. (anglais) [FR 3001]


Fuglesang, A./Chandler, D. (1989). "What's Inside: Learning with Children in the Street”. Colombo, Redd Barna Sri Lanka, 129 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Goonesekere, S.W.E.. (1993). "Child Labour in Sri Lanka: Learning from the Past”. Genève, ILO, 77 pp. (anglais) [92-2-106473] [PR]


Gosh, A. (1992). "Street children of Calcutta”. Noida, National Labour Institute, 112 pp. [BM/JE]


Gross, R./Landfried, B./ Susilowati, H. (1996). "Height and weight as a reflection of the nutritional situation of school-aged children working and living in the streets of Jakarta.” Social Sciences Medicine 43(4), pp. 453-458. (anglais) [PR]


Hanssen, E. (1994). "Finding Care on the Street Children in Sri Lanka”. Paper presented at the Social Workers World Conference, Sri Lanka; 13 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]


Hanssen, E. (1996). "Finding Care on the street: Processes in the careers of Sri Lankan Street boys.” Childhood - Special Issue on working and street children 3(2, May), pp. 247-259. (anglais) [FR]


Hegenauer, E., Hegenauer, M., et al. (1995). "District 8, Ho Chi Minh City: Street Children and their Families” - A baseline survey report. Ho Chi Minh City, World Vision International/Vietnam, September 1995. (anglais) [DS]


Human Rights Watch and C. R. Projects (1996). "Police Abuse and Killing of Street Children in India”. New York, 189 pp. (anglais) [1-56432-205-x; un résumé de ce rapport peut être consulté sur le site de cette organisation ( [PR]


Kahn, S. (Ed.) (1997). "A Street Children's Research”. Dhaka, Save the Children, Bangladesh, 49 pp. (anglais) [PR]


Lackey, D. (1995). Discussion Paper: "Macro Factors affecting Children in South East Asia”. Bangkok, Save the Children Fund, South East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. December 1995, [réf. RRPM PAPER:PSI] [BM/JE]


Last, R./Poblete P.L. (1992). Primary Health Screening of Sealdah Street Children, Columbia University College/University of Virginia School of Medicine, mars 1992, 9 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]


Lim, L. L. (Ed.) (1998). "Child Prostitution”. The sex sector: the economic and social bases of prostitution in Southeast Asia. L. L. Lim. Genève, ILO, pp. 170-205. (anglais)


Marshall, A./ Stone, A., et al. (1991). "The Cambridge study on street children in Jakarta”, Cambridge, document non-publié.


Mathur, M. (1992). "Mapping socio-economic realities of street children in Jaipur (India)”, Department of Home Science, University of Rajastan, Jaipur - 302 016, India, 16 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]


Medina, L. M. (1992). Réponses au problème des enfants de la rue aux Philippines. "Protéger les enfants au travail”. W. E. Myers. Genève, UNICEF. (français et anglais) [FR]


MOLISA (Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs) (1995). "Street Children: status and social Issues worthy of concern”. (anglais) [DS]


Nayar, U. S. (1994). "Street Children: The concept of the ‚new family‘ or ‚strengthening existing families‘”. Paper presented at World Health Organization, Geneva, Programme on substance abuse, April 18-22, 1994, Geneva; 13 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]


Nayar, U. S. (Inconnue, mais après 1998). "Consideration about the Impact of Research on Street Children from Mumbai” - India. Mumbai. [BM/JE]


Nghia, N. X./Binh, D.N. et al. (1995). "Learning form Families on the Edge: A study of the situation of the street children's families in HCM City”. Hochiminh City, Open University of Hochiminh City, Department of Women's studies, June 1995. (anglais) [DS]


Onta-Bhatta, L. (1996). "Street children: Contested Identities and Universalizing Categories.” Studies in Nepali history and Society 1(1, June), pp. 163-199. (Anglais) [sociological abstract]


Pandey, R. (1991). "Street children of India”. Allahabad, Chugh Publications, 345 pp. (anglais) [FR- 1422]


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